Coaching Myself, Week 1: Nov 28th - Dec 4th
My first week of coaching myself begins next week because this week is Thanksgiving, and my normal schedule is way out of whack. I did get to the gym yesterday to do a workout on the ARC trainer, and one on the bike, and I have been eating low-carb and cutting out excess junk, but the plan doesn't officially begin until the craziness of this work-week and the gluttony of turkey day has passed.
So, the plan for next week is as follows:
Monday: Upper body workout; Work 9-1
Tuesday: Lower body workout; 40 min ARC trainer, 20 min HIIT cycling
Wednesday: 40 min swimming, 20 min aqua jogging; Work 9-3
Thursday: Lower body workout; 40 min ARC trainer, 20 min HIIT cycling
Friday: 40 min ARC trainer, 20 min HIIT cycling; Work 9-2
Saturday: Upper body workout; 45 min elliptical, 15 min stairmaster
Sunday: Lower body workout
Target cardio time: 5 hours
Target upper body workouts: 2
Target lower body workouts: 3
Target weight loss: 1.5lbs (water weight)
Upper body workout: pushups, pull-ups, incline rows, dips, planks, hollow hold, superman, v-sit
Lower body workout: leg lifts, clamshells, side steps, hip hikes, squats, calf raises, wall sit
Upper body workout: pushups, pull-ups, incline rows, dips, planks, hollow hold, superman, v-sit
Lower body workout: leg lifts, clamshells, side steps, hip hikes, squats, calf raises, wall sit
And my reward for hitting all of my targets for week one will be a new pair of running tights!